We have all probably heard of E-Security now but do we really understand what it is? Obviously there is a need to keep information on our computer systems about staff, clients, members etc. to do business. Did you know however you have a statutory requirement to notify the Information Commissioners Office who the Data Handler is within you organisation.

(ICO – www.ico.gov.uk). Failure to notify is a criminal offence.

The data controller within your organisation should be notifying the ICO about your processing of personal information. The purpose of this is transparency and openness, a basic principle of data protection. Failure to comply to the Data Protection Act and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations can result in a fine and is classed as a criminal offence. This is therefore something that your businesses really cannot ignore. However once that information is on your computer how do you know it is safe? How many people have access to your system within the office or remotely?

What measures does your Business put in place? This could be as easy as ensuring password are protected to data encryption. This includes the use of Laptops, Mobile Phone, Memory sticks etc. The whole scenario is a mine field but with consultancy and advice from Clear Computing your E-Security will be compliant.

Clear Computing recently was accredited with The ISO 27001, which deals with technical data management security system. Fewer than 500 businesses in the UK hold this accreditation. Not only can we help you find any possible issues in your E-Security but we can offer you the solution to correct them. Clear Computing can be trusted giving you the confidence that your data and business are secure. For more information or to book your E-Security Assessment please contact us.